Divine TRUTH - God's Word and Jesus himself. (the living Word).
Nurturing COMMUNITY - Sharing in the life of Christ with others. Everything we do happens in the context of relationship.
Apostolic MISSION - Joining God in his mission to bring glory to Himself as he redeems creation and draws people into relationship with Him.
- The Centrality of Jesus.
In all we do, we desire to keep Jesus at the center. There are many things that compete for our attention, our time, our affections...but Christ is above all. Whether we are gathered together, we're at work, or home, or out with friends, the Lordship of Christ is at the heart of our lives. HE is the unifying force that binds together all that we are and all that we do.
- Everyone Has A Voice.
Whether gathered in someone's home around a meal, serving the less fortunate in our neighborhoods, worshiping through song, or studying the scriptures, everyone is encouraged to contribute. God works through us all and everyone's voice is valuable. The way we do things is more a bit like 'Lab' and a bit less like 'Lecture'. We learn as we go, sharing our lives together, asking questions, ministering to one another and pursuing Christ together. Face to face.
- Discipleship & Simplicity.
We keep our discipleship process simple, practical, and easy to reproduce. We don't need to get people to a certain place at a certain time to meet with Jesus. He is in us wherever we go. We look for opportunities to share the love of God where we live, work, and play. BEing the church, wherever we are. We see 'church planting' as a byproduct of disciple-making, rather than the other way around.
- The Nations.
Jesus, in Matthew 28:19-20 tells us to "...go and make disciples of all nations." The word 'nations' here (Ethne in the greek) can be most broadly translated as 'people groups'. Whether that is a nation with actual borders, a tribe, a multitude, a class of people, or something else, Jesus sends us to make disciples throughout the world. From the beginning, we have been committed to praying for and investing in all the 'people groups' of the world. From our own neighborhoods all the way to the Far East. We value all who have been created in the image of God and want them to know and experince the good news of Jesus.
- Where and When Do We Meet?
While our network stretches from California, to Minnesota, to the East Coast, and India, our homebase for the past ten years has been the Inland Empire in Southern California. We do have a number of regular gatherings in that area. Sometimes those times and places change. Be sure to contact us for the latest info. https://www.facebook.com/LQnetwork/